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Dr. Moss, the founder of the hospital, started doing extractions and simple fillings back in the 1950s. Mr. Mohan Babru joined the hospital in 1971 and was the backbone of the department until his retirement in 2004.

The Dental Department flourished under the tutelage of Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Kreusch, who first visited Padhar as a dental student from Germany in 1976.  Dr. Kreusch has been a constant support since then, coming here every year for Cleft lip and palate camps. With the help of the “Friends of Padhar, Germany”, he was instrumental in providing dental chairs in 1977 and again in 2000.  He continues to be the untiring force behind our department’s development.



Dental medicine or Dentistry deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions, diseases, and disorders of the oral cavity, the maxillofacial region, and its associated structures as it relates to human beings. The Dental Department at our hospital is well-equipped , with two dental chairs installed, and has experienced specialists. We now have qualified specialists in two dental specialties – Orthodontics (see below) and Maxillofacial surgery (see “Maxillofacial Surgery” specialty under the department of Surgery). The department offers routine clinical dental procedures as well as specialized treatment in specific dental fields such as:


1. Periodontology (deals with disorders of gums & other supporting structures of teeth.)

2. Consevative dentistry & endodontics.( root canal treatment, restorative procedures with tooth coloured fillings & surgical endodontics etc)

3. Prosthodontics ( dentures, partial dentures, & implants, maxillofacial prosthesis etc)

4. Paedodontics ( complete oral rehabilitation of children, filling, RCT, Treatment under G.A or uncooperative children & those of special needs)

5. Oral radiology ( dept is equipped with intraoral X-ray unit, OPG, Lateral cephalogram units)


Apart from these, we also do screening for oral cancers as well as other white and red lesion of oral cavity, and also biopsy procedures.




Orthodontics is the branch of Science and the art of dentistry which deals with the development and positional anomalies of the teeth and the jaws as they affect oral health and the physical, esthetic and mental well being of the person. It is a special branch of dentistry which deals with the alignment of the teeth. We currently have a full-time orthodontics specialist.  


Services offered include:

1. Fixed and removable orthodontic appliances for correction of mal-aligned teeth, both metal and ceramic (tooth coloured bracket).

2. Functional jaw orthopaedics for correction of skeletal abnormalities during growth phase

3. Deletrious habit breaking appliance such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, nail biting etc

4. Cosmetic dental procedures such as closure of excess space, correction of overlapping teeth etc.

5. Appliances to rehabilitate cleft lip & palate patients

6. Treatment of patients with combination of orthodontics and oral surgical corrective procedures (ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY)

7. Other miscellaneous procedures


A part from this we are conducting regular free check up camps in schools and villages, and offering quality low cost care treatment to poor and underprivileged people.



  • We are planning to install a new dental chair in our OPD

  • New RVG Machine (digital dental radiograph)

  • Rotatory endodontics

© 2021 by Padhar Hospital

Last updated: - 05/January/2024


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