Department of ENT:
The ENT department in Padhar hospital has several diagnostic and treatment facilities under one roof which can provide a holistic approach with contribution from other departments to cater to needs of patients.
Diagnostic Facilities :
Endoscopic Otoscopy
Microscopic examination of ear
Rigid Nasal endoscopy
Flexible fibreoptic Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy
Flexible fibreoptic Bronchoscopy
Pure tone Audiometry
Treatment Facilties :
Medical mangement of ear, nose and throat problems
Medical management of allergies and vertigo
Medical and surgical management of thyroid diseases & cancers.
Surgical treatment of ENT system -- tympanoplasties, mastoidectomies, conchomeatoplaty, Functional endoscopic sinsus surgery, endoscopic septoplasty, Endoscopic DCR, Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy,microlaryngoscopy & excision,etc
Surgical management of nose & throat cancers like maxillectomy, partial and total laryngectomy, pharyngectomy, cordectomy, neck dissection, etc
Vocal rehabiltation surgeries (post surgery) -- Esophageal speech, Tracheo-esophageal puncture and prosthesis placement
Surgeries for snoring and sleep disorder
Emergency procedures like tracheostomy, endoscopic foreign body removal from airway & ear, epistaxis etc.
Various funds are available to help people below poverty line!