-: Friends of Padhar Germany e.V. :-
The members of the association “Friends of Padhar Germany” are our very close friends and most charitable donors. Friends of Padhar Germany has been accompanying and supporting our hospital for many years now.
After Prof. Dr. Thomas Kreusch had completed his 8 week clinical traineeship at Padhar Hospital in 1976, our partnership started 2 years later in 1978 with the installation of the dental department funded with donations from Kiel. In the following years over 35 student apprentices from Kiel visited Padhar Hospital to broaden their professional and personal horizons.
In 1994 the cooperation has been expanded on cleft lip and palate surgeries. Since then, every year a team consisting of surgeons, anaesthetists and dentists comes to Padhar in order to treat underprivileged patients totally free of cost. Besides that, our German friends furnish all the medicine, instruments and materials for this mission. Their main goal is to help patients, to train Indian surgeons and to inform the afflicted families about the different treatment options. So far over 1000 patients with cleft lip and palate could undergo a surgery with their help.
With the kind assistance of the “Society of Dentists and Doctors” in Kiel, Padhar Hospital was provided with an operating microscope, new surgical lights, a cold light head lamp and many cases full of instruments and medicaments.
Former trainees and friends of Padhar Hospital have founded a charitable association in order to continue providing their service and to raise funds for financial support.
Herewith, we expressly like to thank Friends of Padhar, Germany who have been helping us so kindly for so many years. Our sincere wish is to keep up this cordial and loyal friendship for the future.
For further information about Friends of Padhar Germany please visit the webpage: