Blood Bank:
Padhar Hospital has a licensed Blood Bank for whole blood since 1997. This is a boon for patients of Padhar Hospital who require blood, eg. patients undergoing surgeries, obstetric cases and those with anemia.
Our blood bank is a spacious, air conditioned area - in keeping with the requirements. We offer the following facilities:
Blood bank with a capacity of more than eighty blood bags
A donor couch for convenience in blood donation, tube sealer and blood collection monitor
The units of blood are tested for blood borne infections namely Malaria, Syphilis, HIV, HCV and HBsAg. (Malaria and Syphilis are tested by the Rapid methods and the ELISA technique is used for HIV, HCV and HBsAg). We have an ELISA washer and reader.
Confirmation of blood group and meticulous cross matching is done before issuing a unit of blood and the necessary record keeping is also done.
The technical staff members regularly attend workshops for improving quality in the blood bank services. We would like to diversify our services into providing blood components, which is our urgent requirement.
Padhar Hospital Blood bank also participates in external quality program run by State & Central government for HIV testing.