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Medicine department:

The Medicine department deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases. The department looks after a wide range of cases including diabetes, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebro-vascular accidents, renal failure, malaria, dengue, typhoid fever, hepatitis, tuberculosis, COPD, Asthma, Pneumonia etc.

Some of our special facilities include:

  • Dialysis unit

Dialysis is treatment to remove waste products and fluids from your body when your own kidney is no longer able to do this and this will help you to carry on active life despite your failing kidney.

 Our Dialysis unit is special unit of the hospital having well equipped and well trained staff to provide quality care to patients. Staff members perform dialysis and are present with the patient throughout the procedure.

A team doctor monitors and assesses patients who have kidney problems and provides haemodialysis treatment for patients with Acute and Chronic Renal Failure.

  • Diabetic clinic

Our foremost goal is to help people with diabetes live long and healthy lives.  While there is no cure for diabetes it can be controlled, allowing people to have full, productive lives.  By integrating diet with oral medication or insulin, we work with people to assure the best possible outcome.

Our team consists of a dedicated doctor, well-trained counselor, dietician and physiotherapist to ensure the best healthcare services is given to all our patients. The team is supported by well-trained technical and nursing personnel as well as doctors from relevant specialties like ophthalmology, surgery and orthopedics.

We provide preventive and curative treatment, educate pts and help them to monitor and manage their diabetes and associated complications, reinforce healthy life style and we give support and advice to pts and their relative to cope up with this chronic illness.

  • Pain and palliative care

It is branch of medicine and aims to control pain and suffering and improve the quality of life of terminally ill patients and their family during regular curative treatment and after.

In 200km radius this is the only hospital that caters pain and palliative care and provides morphine to the patients.

Well trained staff provides counseling to patients and family members and also train their family members as to how to look after their loved ones.

The team consists of doctors, nurses, chaplain and physiotherapists.

  • ICTC – Integrated Counseling and Testing Center

  ICTC is a place where a person is counselled and tested for HIV, of his own free will or as advised by doctors.

We have a full-time counsellor; she gives basic information on the different modes of HIV transmission and needs of behavioural changes to reduce vulnerability. We link people with other HIV prevention, care and treatment services.

  • Nutrition and dietary department

We have a full-time dietician in our hospital; she provides specialised advice on diet for patients admitted in the ward as well as OPD patients. We provide free food to patients admitted in the ward and with minimum charge to the relative.

This department works with wide range of specialities such as –diabetes, hypertension, cancer, kidney disease, paediatrics, surgery and critical care, ANC, anaemia and weight loss etc.

The department also provides group education to patients with diabetes, hypertension, ANC and obese (weight management).

© 2021 by Padhar Hospital

Last updated: - 05/January/2024


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