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Eye Department

“whereas I was blind, but now I see” John 9: 25

The department of ophthalmology at Padhar hospital for past 37 years has been working with dedication in fulfilling the needs of the people providing its services for the visual rehabilitation in the surrounding community and standing up for the promise in John 9:25.

The department provides facilities for comprehensive anterior and posterior segment evaluation, basic refraction, cycloplegic refraction and amblyopia therapy.

  • Services at the department includes-

  • Automated refraction/ retinoscopy (direct , indirect)

  • Spectacles: > 200 variety of frames

  • contact lenses (all brands available)

  • Zeiss slit lamp biomicroscopy

  • Cataract surgery (small incision/ phacoemulsification)

  • Pterygium excision with CLAG( conjunctival limbal autograft)

  • Intraocular lenses: rigid / foldables

  • Scleral fixated intraocular lenses in aphakics

  • Glaucoma workup and surgeries

  • Screening of diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy

  • Fundus camera : screening of retinal disorders

  • Green laser for pan retinal photocoagulation


  • Eye camps: one of the oldest and efficient outreach program of the institute currently supported by the DBCS (govt. of India) to provide eye care in the adjoining areas.

  • School screening: every year around 500 children are screened for low vision and other ocular disorders


  • Optical workshop: managed by our skilled technicians, we provide all kinds of spectacle frames and lenses at a very reasonable price best suited to your face as well as your pocket!



- Do you have persistent headaches?

- Are you more than 40 yrs of age?

- Are you a diabetic?

- Do you have family history of glaucoma?                   

- Do you have red eyes?

- Are you using tablets/ computer screens for > 2hrs /day?

- Do you have foreign body sensation/ discharge from your eyes?

- Do you have difficulty in seeing distant / near objects?

- Do you have flashes of light / floaters?

If you have experienced or are experiencing any of the above symptoms go see an ophthalmologist now!!!



If you are interested in sponsoring poor patients for cataract surgery, please contact us for further details at:

© 2021 by Padhar Hospital

Last updated: - 05/January/2024


9 AM to 2 PM

Monday to Friday

    9 AM to 5 PM

Website Count

Call us today to book an appointment 9109542422, 9109542426, 9109542428, 9109543366

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